RECRUITER UPDATES Featured on Thrive Global

Company Updates Featured on Thrive Global

Aug 05, 2022 / by  Nicole Gallina
Nicole Gallina’s CEO, Evan Sohn, was featured on Thrive Global in the interview series: “How Employers and Employees are Reworking Work Together.”

Sohn touched on how working from home has altered the job market into what employers everywhere are experiencing today. “The option to work from home has also increased the opportunities available to job seekers tremendously. They no longer have to turn down their dream job because it is located in a different state. Geographical boundaries no longer exist,” said Sohn. 

Sohn highlighted five trends that he believes will shape the future of work, including the continuation of an employee's job market, a focus on diversity, and work from anywhere morphing into hiring from anywhere. 

The full interview can be found here.



Tags: Thought Leadership

Written by Miles Jennings

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