RECRUITER UPDATES Joins Yahoo!Finance Following the December Jobs Report

Company Updates Joins Yahoo!Finance Following the December Jobs Report

Jan 10, 2022 / by  Nicole Gallina
Nicole Gallina

Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 10.29.42 AM’s CEO Evan Sohn joined Yahoo!Finance following the release of the December jobs report and’s December Recruiter Index results. 

“We saw 4.5 million people quit in November and yet the unemployment numbers are actually low - so that really means that we have a tight job market, but people are leaving at a higher number than ever before,” said Sohn. 

Sohn touches on ways that companies can work to retain workers during the Great Resignation. He calls it the Great Reevaluation as “companies are trying to figure out what it’s going to be to entice those workers back.”

The full interview can be found here.

Tags: Thought Leadership

Written by Miles Jennings

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