RECRUITER UPDATES Featured On The Power of Owning Your Career Podcast 

Company Updates Featured On The Power of Owning Your Career Podcast

Oct 17, 2022 / by  Nicole Gallina
Nicole Gallina’s CEO, Evan Sohn, joined host Simone E. Morris on the Power of Owning Your Career Podcast. Sohn shared his career journey, leading him to, as well as tips and tricks on how to own your own career. 

Sohn touched on how the work environment has adapted and the increase in risks that candidates take in today's day and age. Working from anywhere has opened up the door for candidates to shift their priorities that have been so focused solely on compensation in the past. 

“I grew up in a world where money solved all problems,” said Sohn, “It doesn’t anymore. You’re not going to put yourself in a situation where you are not happy. You’re going to take yourself out of it, even if it's at an expense.”



Tags: Thought Leadership

Written by Miles Jennings

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