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Find AI Matched Candidates on

Sep 21, 2020 / by  Miles Jennings
Miles Jennings

New! Candidate Sourcing on


We've launched an important and completely free new feature for our recruiters on candidate sourcing with AI-matching power! Now it's easier than ever to earn money through successful submissions because we're giving our recruiters access to both jobs and candidates!

This new feature offers recruiters access to millions of candidate profiles, which are matched to jobs using artificial intelligence and tracked within your recruiter dashboard. Remember, recruiters can now earn money for every approved candidate submission and not only for successful placements.

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Candidate Sourcing

In your recruiter dashboard, you'll now find an option for candidate sourcing when viewing an open job. Using candidate sourcing, you can build ideal candidate models for the open position and find lists of qualified candidates ready to contact and qualify for available roles.

Check out the video below to see the new candidate sourcing in action:


Fine-Tuning Your Candidate Matches

This sophisticated matching technology allows you to adjust your matching model to meet the open job's exact specifications. Recruiters can continually adjust the model to get better results over time.

Check out the video below for more about tweaking your sourcing strategy:


What's Next for

At, we're committed to giving recruiters everything they need to recruit talent faster. By giving our community of recruiters access to tools like AI-matched candidate lists powered by Censia, we're letting more people participate in the process and getting better results for our clients.

We will continue to build candidate-sourcing features, and we'll be adding screening tools soon as well. We want to offer you the full stack of recruiting tools to help you succeed on the Job Market platform! Also, be on the lookout for our exciting new design, launching within the month. We're bringing an entirely new and improved look and feel to the platform.

We would love your feedback on this exciting new feature, so please get in touch with your Community Manager. How do you like it? What do you want to see? You can shape the future of!

Thanks for being part of our community, and we hope you love this incredible new feature.


Tags: Company News

Written by Miles Jennings

CEO of